An insecure boy lit up by a cold, blueish light used in order to make his detached ways stand, he tends to put on a certain distance from reality, but then he is penetrated by a faint red light that stands for his emotional malleability.
A self-confident girl, lit up by a bright red light that reflects in her look (her ego's hardness), the major contrast between lights and shadows underlines her strength in being able to reject people causing the opposite effect, gripping them to her.
The scene preceding the first approach is painted in soft blue, that underlines the antinomy of the two characters; he, far, feels drawn towards the girl's art, at the centre of the room and his mind.
The approach between the two lovers occurs through eye contact. She, with her look towards him, attracts the boy, dragging him in an exciting situation that, even fleeting, will get to corrode the individuality of each of them.
The touch between the two follows dynamics of a love doomed to immediately waste, the passion of the moment pending in the uncertainty of being able to paint themselves together even in the future.
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