In principle, the value of water is a large global project, this time presenting the value of water, Central America, as part of it, my intention is to continue working on this problem, although funding is not easy and equity let me do it very slowly.
The value of water, Central America took place through the Partnership The Partnership for Water, to contact me to document the problem of water in Central America, Panama, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua were the countries visited, 40 days which I could see face to face with the reality that is usually part only of statistics, numbers worthless, concealing a fact extremely difficult, since rural populations where rivers and streams are polluted, until the theft of water resources by large companies for the exploitation of sugar cane, coffee. The daily life of thousands of people start walking with jugs, pitchers, buckets, etc .... To collect the water that allows them to continue living, the problem is extremely difficult, many associations are struggling in a solution, but the underlying problem, and political states of the affected countries are looking the other hand, are mostly humble people no resources, people invisible to their government. Cities do not escape this lack, the population explosion and internal migration to cities, resulting in poor neigh borhoods as in Honduras, neigh borhoods made up of more than 20,000 people without water or sanitation of any kind, homes and houses growing every day causing uncontrolled discharges that cause disease to the young and vulnerable. Water also causes business differences with those who can afford it and those who do not. "I prefer to drink contaminated water that die of thirst" In Nicaragua, the reality of thousands of people passing through daily struggle with diseases that cause littering and chemicals of many companies. Panama, El Salvador and Guatemala also have important shortcomings and makes visible the inequalities in both rural and urban.


The drinking water is a fragile and finite resource, which is not always in sufficient quantity and quality. Water is a social good. An essential Read More
