Perfil de Brent Philhower

High Heat Graphics Package

High Heat Redesign 2018
One of the most accomplished sports radio voices in the country, Christopher "Mad Dog" Russo hosts his first TV-based baseball talk show. Russo brings his passionate opinions and energetic delivery to MLB Network for a one-hour live program every weekday with discussion on all 30 MLB clubs and interviews with players and club personnel.

The show's opening sequence dives deep into Russo's mind and takes the audience on a journey through his chaotic subconscious by illustrating the madness behind the "Mad Dog".  The package as a whole was a departure from past graphics packages made at the network because the style of design & animation constantly changes throughout each scene.  The end goal of the redesign was to create an insanely unique and energetic graphics package that echoed the "Mad Dog's" persona while achieving cohesiveness through non cohesion.

High Heat Opening Sequence
High Heat Bump 1
High Heat Bump 2
High Heat Bump 3
High Heat Mortise 1
High Heat Transitions
High Heat Phrase Transition 1
High Heat Phrase Transition 2
High Heat Unused Frames
The process of creating a package that had so many different looks combined into one meant that many of the style-frames didn't make it to the final product.  The following frames were created for this look but were never used in any of the elements.
MLB Network Creative Squad:

Chris Mallory .................. Senior VP
Premier Maldonado ....... Creative Director
Jeff Boccia .....................  Art Director
Danny Muhr ................... Senior Designer
Brent Philhower ............. Senior Designer
Jess Birs ........................ Graphic Designer
High Heat Graphics Package
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