Profiel van Simon Walker

Magento Catalog Permissions

Magento Catalog Permissions | A Useful Magento Extension by FME

Magento catalog permissions extension by FME allows you to control your customers' access to different pages, products and other sections of the store. For example, you may want to show wholesale products to wholesale customers only or hide some products or the entire store from non-logged in customers. This Magento restrict catalog by groups extension enables you to create rules and show content to customers that is relevant to them. 

You can show a custom error message or redirect them to another page of your store. Restricting irrelevant customers can prevent misuse of store's policies and generate targeted traffic. You can set conditions for banning customers. You can either set rule based restriction or manual restriction and redirection.

For full features: Magento Catalog Permissions

Magento Catalog Permissions

Magento Catalog Permissions


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