Cristen Coryatt
Creative Director/Communicator

My name is Cristen Coryatt, and I am a CREATIVE. Many years now I've struggled with the thought of where to display my work. How do I start? Where do I start? What type of content I should and should not show case. I've grown up with parents that watered my mind and allowed me to be who I wanted/aspired to be. Me being who I am, I found it difficult to find exactly where my puzzle piece fits in this society. If you're anything like me then you know that your mind is like water, it takes no shape or form, it's fluid and can fill the cracks and the space of what I guess you'd say "unknown". 
I am a communicator with words and an influencer through the visual arts as well. This distinction has always kept me from progressing forward because I felt as if there is no between for people like me. And that you have to have a particular skill in order to progress, which is true...but not necessarily. 5431 Ground is the bridge to wherever I choose to go in my Creative Directing career, I can communicate messages. I hindered my work due to this constant thought and worry that maybe my work wont mount up to anything. This website is a place with the world of my work, and what my skill sets lye,  my portfolio, as well as a somewhat blog! This is where I build my bridge.
About Me

About Me
