This is a series of ads that are for a demographic ad project that I was assigned. The following ads we had to create was an ad for football, road construction, investments and a restaurant. Each had their own specific requirements and elements that had to be used.
The football ad, I was required to make it into a CMYK file, use the football vector image seen at the top of the body text, and I had to choose two different highschools.
The gravel ad had to be in a black and white color. For this particular ad, there was no information given to what to put on there. This was to simulate if I was to get a job and was given small to no information to put. I made this after I looked at some Got Milk? ads while I was searching for references. I then used the bulldozer picture to make a logo for the company as I wasn't provided one due to that they didn't have one. 
The investment ad, I was given everything I had to work with. All I had to do was to make sure I was making this into a CMYK ad and make a presentable ad that would draw viewers in. Since this was as ad about money, I decided to use green. I went the monochromatic route once I found one particular green. Once I did that, I worked with that and made this.
This restaurant ad, it was another CMYK styled ad. On this ad, I wanted to not only again make a presentable ad, but to challenge myself. What I mean by that, is that I have seen plenty of restaurant ads that do a center aligned style. Those ads I've seen were not only simple, but looked excellent. I had some belief that center alignment can make a good ad, as long you do it right. Hence, I decided to make this typography in this ad be all in a center format.  I even play with my font a little bit to add more personality as well added a cutting-board background.
Demographic Ads

Demographic Ads
