Jessica Harkeys profil

The Crystal Farmers

Charlie was exploring her backyard when she stumbled across a cave. She, adventurer in training, travels deeper and deeper into the cave, farther and farther into the earth. As she walks she starts to see large crystal formation along the path. Charlie reaches a large cavern at last where she sees rock trolls pushing crystals through the walls…
He’s one of the stumpier of the rock trolls. Reflecting the peridot that grows out of him he is the quickest crystal grower there is. He is upbeat positive and never lacks energy.
She’s an adventurer in training, never without her goggles or her curiosity. She’s always ready to discover something exciting and brings a map everywhere so she’s never lost. When her curiosity gets the best of her she finds the rock trolls and learns where crystals and gems come from.
He’s a jack of all trades just like the amethyst that sprouts from his back. He protects the rock trolls from outsiders and can instill a sense of serenity over the trolls if conflict arises.
The Crystal Farmers

The Crystal Farmers

This is a cast of characters that I created for my final project in a character design class.
