Connor Swans profil

"A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Regrettable Ride"

Guests enter this attraction and queue through the Baudelaire Mansion, which was recently destroyed due to a mysterious fire. The estate is still infiltrated with remnants of smoke as they hear the creaking sounds of floors and weakened ceilings with bits and pieces of walls collapsing all around them.
Guests soon enter the mansion library. Above the fireplace mantle where a tall mirror used to stand, enters a man who is deeply sorry to inform us that there has been an extremely unfortunate event involving a mysterious fire that destroyed this once beautiful mansion belonging to the Baudelaire family and the horrible tragedy that came from it, leaving the three children, Violet Klaus and Sunny orphaned.
The man then introduces himself as Lemony Snicket, whose solemn duty is to investigate the dire plot of the Baudelaire orphans, but we on the other hand have no such obligation and advises us to take the nearest exit out of this queue line before experiencing any of the horrible and horrifying events that comprise this ghastly attraction of the Baudelaires’ unfortunate lives.
Guests then continue through the rest of the crumbling mansion and through the other side of the estate onto the outside curb, where an ominous car is waiting for them to begin their journey of investigating the Baudelaires’ lives after the death of their parents.
"A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Regrettable Ride"

"A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Regrettable Ride"
