Soler Casafont profili


Quan parlem de rap els prejudicis entren en el terreny de joc: vides de carrer, música negra, cadenes d'or, vandalisme, supèrbia... El rap és anar més enllà, és entrar en món interior de les persones i fer-los entrar en debat, és reivindicar els drets humans, és ser inconformista i no acontentar-nos amb el que la societat ens presenta com a "ideal", és fer-nos preguntes de tot el que ens envolta, és llibertat per dir els que molts voldrien i no saben com fer-ho.

Així s'ha creat l'identitat visual del cantant Eluss. Definint gràficament aquests conceptes i transmetent visualment el que les paraules descriuen.

When we talk about rap the prejudices enter the field: street lives, black music, gold chains, vandalism, pride ... The rap is going further, it is to enter the inner world of people and make them entering into a debate, is to claim human rights, to be non-conformist and not content ourselves with what society presents us as an "ideal", is to ask us questions about everything that surrounds us, it is freedom to say what many They would like and do not know how to do it. 

Thus the visual and brand identity of the singer Eluss has been created. Graphically defining these concepts visually convey what the words describe.

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When we talk about rap the prejudices enter the field: street lives, black music, gold chains, vandalism, pride ... The rap is going further, it Daha Fazla Bilgi

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