Profil appartenant à Ilaria Zonda

Wher - maps and cities for women


Wher is a mobile app application that helps women move around safely in big cities.
The users can search information about specific streets, read the comments left by local girls, use the navigation function to move from a location to another (through the highest rated streets) and add their own rating and personal advice.
All these information are grouped by time (day, evening and night) as the same place can be perceived very differently at a different hour.

The project started after a group session with some young women, where the biggest issues of living in a city as female citizens were discussed. Most of the participants complained about being afraid of walking alone in unknown neighbourhoods or coming back home after a night out. They adopted solutions like asking their friends which streets they would recommend, based on the street lighting and how crowded they were at certain times of the day. This lead to the idea of making use of local women's perception of the streets to give recommendation to those who were less familiar with the city or neighbourhood. 

The app Wher was initially developed in a MVP format and used by a group of 30 girls in the city of Turin, who contributed adding ratings and giving feedback on usability and interactions. For the development of first versions, a series of workshops and group mapping events in different Italian cities collected more data and gave inputs on better ways to select and rate streets on a map, based on their perceived safeness. 

New features were ideated with the users, designed, developed and again tested to reach the smoothest data input solutions and the right interface for the girls to use the service at any needed time.

The app was released on the Android and iOs stores in December 2017, by 2020 the app Wher grew to cover more than 20 Italian and foreign cities, with up to 50.000+ users.
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Wher - maps and cities for women
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Wher - maps and cities for women

UI/UX design, mobile app, women project

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