Women Reproductive Health


Women in India tend to have an inadequate knowledge of sexual and reproductive health which leads to negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. The reasons behind these are taboos associated with experiences of menstruation and sexual health.

Project duration
10 Days. The deliverables included a design research document and insides.

PROPOSE Solution
Board game-
There is no standardized method to learn about the menstrual cycle, awareness about health, physical activity etc. Many girls are unprepared and uncomfortable when the time comes. They don't know about the different phases of the menstrual cycle. The game strives to turn a typically uneasy situation into a fun and positive learning experience. It is designed to teach a girl participant about what is happening within the female body, their menstrual cycle phase and how to go with the flow.
While playing, it creates an open and engaging environment where players can learn and say words like “period” and “menstrual cycle” without the usual discomfort and taboos found in the society.


The process
During the workshop, we got a task to identify problems in the society. Goal was to do research on it and design a potential solution based on insides. After identifying the problems, we narrow down our focus on women reproductive health. We have done our research in Bangalore region.

Background study
In the beginning, we went through research papers, published articles, blogs and books to gain in-depth knowledge about the topic. We understood many facts that are affecting women reproductive health such as - inadequate knowledge in all classes of women, ignorant behavior about health, lack of awareness and information. Based on our understanding we constructed the questionnaire for user interviews.

User research and observations 
With topic understanding and constructed questionnaires for user segments, we did interview and observation sessions with women, girls, nurses and doctors. Also, visited maternity home to observe the environment.
We synthesized our findings based on our research data through affinity mapping which helped us to view common theme in problem spaces.

Affinity mapping

Area of interventions
After collecting insights on women's reproductive health. We explored different area of interventions like-

Service system to make women aware about their reproductive health.

Static digital add to make aware about their reproductive health in society.

Diet plan chart who wanted to overcome from the problem.

Daily routine chart for teenage girl to make them aware about their health, menstruation cycle.

Informative pamphlets to make women aware about hygiene.

Gaming is possible solution to educate girls about menstrual cycle, their different phase.

Based on intervention and key insights, we visualized different ways of solving the problem. Did several sketches to formulate as many solutions as we could. Later we went over each solution and discussed various pros and cons of the designs.


Women Reproductive Health

Women Reproductive Health

A fun and positive learning experience. Designed to teach a girl participant about what is happening within the female body, their menstrual cycl Read More
