Crew Members:
Purva Agarwal
Shreya Gupta
Kriti Dalmia
Tanushree Maskara
Yashni Kothari
Quintessentially Bombay – the Dobhi Ghats are where Mumbaiker's laundry is soaked, slapped, spun, and pressed in this centralised open-air hub spread across 10 acres at Mahalaxmi. Over 700 washing spots (ghats) are leased individually from the municipality and to make the most effective use of them work starts well before sunrise. Clothes are soaked in this multitude of concrete pens then beaten clean against a stone platform at one end. Some items are spun dry while others are hung out in the Mumbai sunshine and pressing is done by either coal burning or electric powered irons. Close to three quarters of a million items
from the far reaches of the mega-city are laundered here daily – from hotel linen to handkerchiefs – and are packed and returned to their owners via a coded marking system made in indelible ink on small scraps of cotton and tied to each item. These processes have been honed over the 162 year history of the ghats, which were originally constructed to service British viceroys and officers. Some 5000 Dhobi Wallahs work the ghats – many of whom reside within the compound with their families. The few we met commanded my respect for their dedication. Being a job that is passed on through families, predominantly from Andra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, seems to add a dimension of pride amongst this close knit community. Rather than wearing their hearts on their sleeves they put their hearts into keeping others' sleeves clean.
Dhobi Ghat spread over an area of 10 acres fails to look as big as it sounds unless seen from a birds eye view.
Narrow alleys in geometric lines is a work of typical British Architecture.
Clean obvious lines define the space. Alot of layers & depth are created due to linear elements present.
The soft round elements break the monotony of the linear space design of Dhobi Ghat.
Hardwork, toil and the never say die spirit is not only seen in every Dhobis activities but
also in his persona.
Contrast is the key in Dhobi Ghat. It is seen everywhere, be it in terms of shape, colour,
texture or even facial expressions.
With colours, textures, shapes and lines coinciding at every turn chaos is bound to happen.
The most striking feature of Dhobi Ghat.
The only element not found in abundance but still says alot about the place
Visual and Tanglible textures present in abundance.
Location for shoot (mock shot)
Concept Note
Why Dhobi Ghat?
Dhobi Ghat truly captures the essence of Mumbai, the hard working not so rich but happy dhobi wallahs
washing clothes of the city’s richest. The hustle bustle of Dhobi Ghat brings out the spirit of Mumbai.
We wanted to represent this age old tradition of the dhobhi wallahs in a contratsing high fashion manner.

Treatment of Elements
Lines - The corrugated tin roofs, Bamboos, Drapes brings out the linear element of Dhobi Ghat
Colors: The bright array of colors is prominent on the drapes. Most important colors being blue and
white have been used on the hands of the model and different props respectively.
Chaos: The drapes and clothes line have been entangled to create a chaotic feel
Textures: Foam, Bubbles, Splashes, Corrugated Tin Sheets, Water
Styling Elements
Loud dramatic make up
Hairstyling with foam
Laundry tags used as earrings
Hands dipped in blue dye
The Shot
Behind the scene
Awe my Ghaat !!


Awe my Ghaat !!

This was an editorial shoot on Mumbai's Dhobi Ghat. This shoot depicts the spirit of Mumbai's dhobi ghat in a high fashion way. Crew Members: Pu Meer lezen



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