The Cake company | Wall Art

Wall Art / The cake company
Commissioned wall Art Project

The Cake Company, Jabalpur had planned to open a new branch and they wanted something unique in the interiors of the shop to connect with the theme they used for the furniture and the stalls. So, they approached us to paint murals in the cafe which would catch an eye passing by.After a brief meeting we understood what they were looking for and we brainstormed and came up with a design that would meet their requirement. We put our ideas on paper and started to materialise the idea.

​​​​​​​ The idea was of a boy sitting and eating a piece of cake in between few buildings. Which basically meant you could come and have a piece sweetness in the middle of this city and have a good time.
But that is when we realised that we had a small problem to deal with. The walls that were to be painted were too high for us to reach conveniently.

We had to figure out a solution for that too.  There was bamboo scaffolding which the workers used. So, we fixed wooden planks on to these making two platforms at two heights, so we could proceed with the work.
"Once everything was set up, we started off by sketching our design on the wall with pencils. When it was satisfactory"
we outlined the buildings with masking tapes and then painted the gaps with black making them straight and seamless.
" The place had all the issues you could face on a construction site, But the nightshifts helped us to stay more immersed in our work."
"Then we painted the boy and the cake red emphasizing them both."
" Giving a few touches here and there and adding a few elements, we completed our work with 3 days of combined effort."


The Cake company | Wall Art