The Dada movement was a cultural movement where artists pushed the limits of what art is. It is an anti-art movement that includes nothing and everything in one breath. Its origin started in Zürich, Switzerland in 1916. One can say that Dadaism was a way of distracting people of what was happening with the war. (The Art Story, n.d.)

Dada has lots of different meanings. In Romanian language it means "yes yes", in French it refers to a "hobby-horse" and it could also refer to an advertisement in Germany that advertiser hair products called Dada Haarwasser. The name was chosen in a nonsensical way - a knife was put into a dictionary and picked out at random. Dada questioned the intelligence of the age and the meaning of art (Whitehead, 2018). 
Figure 1: Marcel Duchamp, The Fountain, 1917, porcelain, (Tate, n.d.)
'The Fountain' is to be considered one of Duchamp's most famous works. It consists of a urinal which is displayed on its back. Duchamp signed it R. Mutt 1917. This was a pseudonym for Duchamp. R stands for Richard which is French slang for "moneybag" whereas Mutt refers to JL Mott, the main manufacturer of porcelain urinals at that time (Whitehead 2018).  This was one of the most famous works of the readymades. 'Readymades' refers to an already existing, everyday, mass produced object that is taken out of its context and was said to be art. Dadaists strived to push the limits of what art is.
Figure two: Hannah Höch, Rohrfeder Collage (Reed Pen Collage), 1922, Collage, (Brooks, 2014)
Hannah Höch is according to Katherine Brooks from the Huffington Post, the female who pushed the gender boundaries to an extent. With all the feminism marches and rise ups, I thought it appropriate to celebrate a female who did what she loved, even if it involved some controversy. She is a true inspiration to do what you do and love every second of it.
Happy birthday, Dadaism! 
100 years later and it is still adding value to our everyday lives. 
Sources consulted:
Brooks, K. (2014). Meet The Original Face Of Punk Feminism. [online] Huffington Post South Africa. Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2018].
The Art Story. (n.d.). Dada Movement, Artists and Major Works. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2018].
Whitehead, H. (2018). DADA.
Tate. (n.d.). ‘Fountain’, Marcel Duchamp, 1917, replica 1964 | Tate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2018].a

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