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"Inkman" Calligraffiti

Street Art

"Adventure to
the kingdom of letters"

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Calligraffiti on a rooftop
Photo Credit: Batta.B
"Ancient calligraphy as modern mural art" Project
in Copenhagen, Denmark 2014
Photo Credit: Mylan
Inkman x Brusk
DjerbaHood project
©Aline Deschamps - Galerie Itinerrance
"Amal" means Hope

DjerbaHood project
©Aline Deschamps - Galerie Itinerrance


DjerbaHood project
©Aline Deschamps - Galerie Itinerrance

"Lost Castle"

DjerbaHood project
©Aline Deschamps - Galerie Itinerrance

"The Mural"
a part of Mahmoud Darwish poem

DjerbaHood project
©Aline Deschamps - Galerie Itinerrance

"Inkman" Calligraffiti

"Inkman" Calligraffiti

"Inkman" calligraffiti wall for the Vertige Graffik event ! Tunisia
