Event posters
These posters were made as a parts of a different study projects. One were made
for the magisters degree programm in TSU, other were made for WDI design course.
None of these projects were brought to life and none were parts of commercial of any kind.

The goal of making these poster was studying to work with such a fomat of graphics,
to make something different and to cope with another type of layot, fixed one.
Also when designing poster you need to think about where it will be placed
and in what circumstances audience will communicate with the poster visually .

Tyler, the creator Moscow show
First, I searched for reference trying to get the mood of an artist.
When I caught the mood and had some layout in my mind, I created the poster. This is the second iteration after my coach made corrections for the first take:
I made the second one in different style, according to "illustrative" style.
!!! The original illustration of Tyler was made by great designer
Tyler Pate, check his works!
Theater repertoire for a month
Next mockup was originally madе by  Dmitry Markov, check his works!
Tour poster for a siberian band "Paper Tigers"
First take is a moodboard.
Thanks for your time! Feel free to comment and leave feedback.
Event poster design


Event poster design

Event posters design for studying purposes.
