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Far Cry 4 Custom Level - Shangri-La Outpost

The Shangri-La Goddess Temple

Far Cry 4: Level Editor
- It gives us a 3D coordinate system where we can do landscaping, texturing, utilizing assets and AI from the game's library. The editor lets us make 3-4 types of game modes in the custom level, one of which is 'Outpost Capture', which we are going to address in this project

The Shangri-La Goddess Temple (Daytime)
- The video below offers a patient play through of the custom level; explaining the unique mechanics of the game, along with all the design decisions that went into making the level
The Shangri-La Goddess Temple (Nightime)
- This custom map shown below is the second iteration to the custom map shown above - Added a secret path in the beginning of the map, as a reward for wandering around instead of capturing the outpost. This secret path grabs the player's attention better at night, and also helps in demonstrating the remaining unique mechanics of the game
- Choosing this secret path to enter the outpost, rewards the player with new weapons
- The video below patiently demonstrates this detour and subsequent outpost capture
Far Cry 4 Custom Level - Shangri-La Outpost


Far Cry 4 Custom Level - Shangri-La Outpost

Custom Far Cry 4 Level, where the Guerrillas have taken over the Custom Shangri-La Goddess' temple and made it into an outpost
