In 1945, Miguel Hurtado, who was 22 years old, fell in love with his student and he writes the song to Valeriana. He named the song: "Valicha", this is the title of a huayno (popular folklore music) from Cusco, Peru. This dance is full of joy and energy.

"Danza de tijeras" is a native dance from Perú, the history tells that the dancers made a pact with the Devil, so they will be able to make magic movements with big scissors (split, jump, dance with just the tip of their feet)
"Marinera" is a coastal,graceful and romantic couple´s dance from Peru. The dancers use handkerchiefs, the woman dances without shoes. The object of this dance is that the male dancer will be able to win the love and kiss the woman.
Danzas de mi país

Danzas de mi país

Danzas de mi país - Dances from my country
