"GARM" is short for garment and has been adopted as slang for clothing in many uk street subcultures.
"GARM" is the publication I created for my Masters project to showcase my typography, graphic design and illustration work; using the content gathered through interviews and conversations from online communities dedicated to streetwear fashion and trainer collecting culture. This publication was created to give a permanent voice for individuals within online street subcultures rather than an opinion or comment being lost within online forums. Also giving an insight to the opinions of others for newer members of the subculture.
"GARM" is offered as a printed publication with a signature risograph print but this would be an optional luxury, as trying to remain relevant to streetwear subculture which relies heavily on social media and the internet, it became apparent that an Instagram page would suit this much more but with the option to print yourself to cut out any additional cost other than the readers own ink cost. Being more online focused sticks with the modern streetwear subculture and is also a modern take on zine aesthetic as nothing is cheaper than viewing it on Instagram which you can also view from a computer.


