Jeff Kimble 的个人资料

Interactive Strategy

Interactive Strategy
Through Communica’s digital solutions, marketing becomes not just an art form, but also an active generator of data, dialogue, knowledge and interconnectedness.
Communica offers specific strategies and tools appropriate to the maturity and position of the brand in the digital space. Each places a premium on viewability and relevance and seeks to advance our clients along the path from paid to earned media—thereby driving cost savings and connective, measurable results.
Our Landscape Review Solution employs trend analysis websites, desk research and qualitative observation and provides clients with a solid foundation for interactive communications planning.
Our Response Strategy Solution employs real-time analytics, monitoring and a process that supports co-creation and collaborative innovation. Through response-driven dialogues, we create experiences; opportunities for brands to stay connected, and content that makes continuous learning possible. Each step is designed to optimize our client’s digital performance across digital platforms.
Our Mapping Solution delivers value based on a mature baseline of integrative data. It helps clients measure their communication performance and optimize their content, analyze marketplace trends and develop a more competitive business strategy and refine operations to align with strategic and revenue goals.
Interactive Strategy

Interactive Strategy

"Communica takes a very deliberate approach to a brand's digital footprint with active content marketing strategy. People use the web to search f 阅读更多内容

