Radish; Food that goes with you!

An identity system for a new, hip, and energetic healthy fast-food restaurant called Radish. The main demographic is any on-the-go “fitizens”, but mainly milennials with low spending money and time. This client wanted a fun, accessible, and owable logo to represent them.  

Illustrator, 2018;
The final design consists of a graphic element to represent a radish, and a self modified version of Gotham Medium. To modify the font, I cut off outer corners and filled inner corners to make it more organic. 
The final design consists of a graphic element to represent a radish as well as a frying pan, a 
customized D, and a self modified version of Gotham Medium, both preferably viewed at a slant. 
To modify the font, I cut off outer corners and filled inner corners to make it more organic. 
The logo would inhabit any square/rectangular space that it could fit comfortably into. Patterning can play a more subtle role in creating more depth and texture. 
I began with a more bulbous point for the radish/handle of the pan, which made it look more like a 
magnifying glass. 
I initially liked the green on black scheme, but later decided it felt to “fancy”. ​​​​​​​

