This is a random display of print advertising work done over the last decade or so. Images were displayed randomly to convey a sense of timelessness to my art direction style, independent from trends and trade annuals. Instead, my style reflects all information gathered and processed from simple, unbiased, eager observation of both physical and virtual worlds. Most work got published. Some was rejected by the client. 
Every bit was carefully art directed.
Client: CAIXA - Caixa Econômica Federal (Brazil's largest federal bank)
Tagline: CAIXA Credit Lines. The size of your whishes.
Client: CAIXA - Caixa Econômica Federal (Brazil's largest federal bank)
Tagline: CAIXA Credit Lines. The size of your whishes.
Client: CAIXA - Caixa Econômica Federal (Brazil's largest federal bank)
Tagline: CAIXA Credit Lines. The size of your whishes.
Client: Park Shopping Mall - Spring collection billboard campaign
Tagline: Cultivate your style.
Client: Park Shopping Mall_- Spring collection billboard campaign
Tagline: Cultivate your style.
Client: Non-profit organization - O Mundo em que Vivemos (The world we live in)
Brief: demand George Bush to sign the Kyoto Protocol
Tagline: A signature can solve everything. So can the lack of one.
Client: Non-profit organization - O Mundo em que Vivemos (The world we live in)
Brief: demand George Bush to sign the Kyoto Protocol
Tagline: No air. No water. No food. No commitment.
Client: CAIXA (Largest Brazilian Federal Bank)
Tagline: CAIXA CULTURAL - Funding for the arts program
Interpretation of the above mentioned program logo, which has a solid, eliptical blue background shape.
Client: CAIXA (Largest Brazilian Federal Bank)
Tagline: CAIXA CULTURAL - Funding for the arts program

Client: Memórias Reveladas (Revealed Memories) - Memorial of the Brazilian dictatorship years. Permanent exhibition of classified and censored documents

Tagline: Dictatorship basements now with the lights on.
Client: Memórias Reveladas (Revealed Memories) - Memorial of the Brazilian dictatorship years. Permanent exhibition of classified and censored documents.

Tagline: Interpreting was the role of censors.
The picture shows an aggressively censored script of a famous brazilian theater play.
Client: Park Shopping Mall_- Spring collection billboard campaign
Tagline: Cultivate your style.
Client: Park Shopping Mall_- Spring collection billboard campaign
Tagline: Cultivate your style.
Print Ads

Print Ads

Published print ads crated for a wide range of brazilian clients.
