11 Things every designer Needs To Know About Mobile App

11 Things every designer Needs To Know About Mobile App Interaction.

A decade ago, the usage of mobile phone was only for communicating.

Lately, the scene has changed a lot. Finding people without a mobile phone is hard. Especially with the smartphones, people trap the world in their palm. There are many mobile applications for almost everything.

Although mobile apps have reached a saturation point, a genuine designer can indeed build an eminent app. Here I have listed eleven useful hints based on my experience and some google guidelines, which will help you to make a practical, problem-solving, elegant app.

1. Match the keyboard with the required text inputs.

Custom keyboards

Our research says that people find it tricky to switch between the keyboard mode and touchscreen mode. It increases the cognitive load of the user. Hence a designer should make custom keyboards feasible for the user.

System Keyboard

The design was customized so that the keyboard pattern will change automatically, based on the context. The saved password also should be shown in that.

2. Gestures and Hardware

Mobile phones are more advantageous than the web as it has with a lot of great hardware like accelerometer, GPS, Bluetooth, gesture recognition. So a designer should efficiently make use of those features.

The options like sliding swiping, tapping, using fingerprint should be used instead of typing. You can reduce many form field by utilizing all this hardware.

3. Don’t hide Password

Show and hide option for the password is not required in the mobile. As it is a small screen, the user will use it confidentially. So removing the show and hide option will reduce the frustration of the user.

4. Display the search field.

If you make a perfect search work, you are almost succeeded in the UI/UX flow. 

Though all the apps are represented, users like the traditional model of swiping down for searching. Also, show the options for recent search and favorite search time.

5. Ask for permissions in-context.

Some people think getting bulk permission is a renowned idea. But as the users are very serious about their data, they don’t want just to tap and give all the authority. So asking right permission at the right time will make the user trust your app. Also, they will be your regular user.

6. No Splash Screen

As per research, people spend 45 sec to select one app and they usually download ten apps to choose one. So attack them and show the value upfront in 10 seconds. 

No one will bother about the fancy splash screens. Give importance to show the value proposition of the app upfront than the beautiful illustration. If they open the app, land them directly on the main screen.

7. Orientation

If the users use your app on 30% time in landscape mode, you must design it for landscape mode. But most designers test their app only in the portrait mode. Test your app both in landscape and portrait mode.

For driving, finance, books and games landscape mode is the primary mode (https://thomaspark.co/2011/10/in-portrait-or-landscape/).

8. Forms Short and Sweet

The primary action on the desktop is to type whereas, in the case of mobile, the primary activity is to swipe tap, tap and long press.

The users don’t wish to spend their time in filling the significant form. So try different interactions for form filling and make it short and simple.

9. Test the app on Mobile

The premier tip I give to every designer is testing your design for the mobile.
When you start designing, connect your mobile with a laptop to see the quality of the design.

You are not making the app only for pretty HD Desktop, also for the shitty bad screens with low resolution too. So make sure your scheme works fine for all the types of screens.

10. Make Navigation Intuitive

This tip is pretty basic, but sometimes people tend to forget this. 90% of the time they use the system pattern of navigation.

Your app should render smart use to the user by giving the tabs upfront. Don’t make the users search for the navigation for 10 minutes as it will lead to uninstall your app.

11. Filter and sort options.

A designer should make his user pleased with the features and not frustrate.
When a website can display 14 images on one screen, a mobile screen can show only three pictures at a time.

Without conceding this, most people drop many features on one screen and make a generic filter that baffles the user.

I urge the designers to afford a potent filter and sort option. So spend quality time to give a vital choice based on the context.

Thank you

11 Things every designer Needs To Know About Mobile App

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11 Things every designer Needs To Know About Mobile App

11 Things every designer Needs To Know About Mobile App Interaction.
