Perfil de Jack Marple

Contra Tea Light Holder


against; opposite; contrasting.
The contra tea light holder is an object that expresses the need of opposites.

Contra is a prefix that can be used to make a word mean the opposite. During the development of this concept, I was drawn towards the idea of opposites and how necessary is it to have opposites in life. We would never be able to know what happiness was if we were to not feel sadness. The contrast in our experiences is part of what makes us human.
The Contra tea light holder utilizes rough and smooth materials that represent the experiences that shape us. The base is constructed from a 3D printed steel (rough) and acts as the foundation. The porcelain tea light holder (smooth) sits atop the steel piece and showcases the flame of the candle. This symbolism shows how the difficult situations we experience help build the foundation and light the flame for the good times that will indeed lie ahead.
Contra Tea Light Holder

Contra Tea Light Holder

The Contra tea light holder is an object that expresses the need of opposites.
