Profilo di Caleb Haugen

Assignment 6: Light Control

Assignment 6 - Light Control

Cast Shadows
A6 – Cast Shadows
1.Strength – Since the lens is focused on the brick wall and the shadow, it draws the viewer’s attention to the shadowed reaction of the woman, rather than the man proposing.
2.Problem/Solution – The brick wall looks slanted. I should have found a better way to pose the models that would have kept a more even background.
3.Problem/Solution – The model’s smile looks a bit cheesy for a proposal. I should have talked to him before taking the picture and had him do a simpler smile.
4.Problem/Solution – The glasses on the model blocks the little bit of his eyes that would have otherwise been visible. I should have had him remove his glasses so that the observer could see his eyes.
5.Strength – The slight shine on the ringpop helps draw the viewer’s attention to the right side of the image, where the primary focus can be seen.

Little to No Shadows
A6 – Little to No Shadow
1.Strength – The picture is very bright and well exposed, with little to no shadow.
2.Problem/Solution – The slight shadow under the model’s chin is the only noticeable shadow in the photo. If I had an external flash, I might have been able to counter balance that by having the flash fire up towards his chin.
3.Problem/Solution – The bright sun outside caused the model to squint. I should have talked to him and timed the shot so that he could open his eyes wider for a brief second, so I could get them in the picture as well.
4.Problem/Solution – The model is in between the thirds, instead of being at an intersection. I should have reframed the picture first so that part of his face would fall on one of the intersection points.
5.Strength – Thanks to the bright light, there is a lot of detail in the model’s hair, which creates a good visual point of interest.

Strong Shadow
A6 – Strong Shadow
1.Strength – The sharp contrast between dark and light in this picture creates a great deal of interest in the viewer.
2.Problem/Solution – The light slightly overexposed the model’s right shoulder. I should have dialed down a stop or two before taking the picture to get a less overbearing light.
3.Problem/Solution – This picture would be better if there wasn’t a glare on the side of the model’s head. I’m not sure if I could fix this by letting in less light, or if I should have had the model adjust his head slightly.
4.Problem/Solution – The shadows on the upper left-hand corner somewhat blend together with the shadow on the model’s face. I should have let less of the sunlight in or found a way to create a rim light that would provide some distinction between the model’s face and the blurred background.
5.Strength – Despite half of the photo being slightly overexposed, the shadows still have a good amount of detail in them, and the model’s smirk is still visible.

Soft Shadow
A6 – Soft Shadow
1.Strength – The model is clearly in focus, and perfectly laid on intersections of the thirds.
2.Problem/Solution – This picture would be better if I could get the snow falling out the window in the picture as well. I tried using more light on the model so that I could dial down my aperture and get outside the window lit better, but I did not have enough light.
3.Problem/Solution – The picture would be better if I included more of the model’s torso. I should have backed up a little bit before taking the picture, so that I could have included her shoulders instead of framing them out.
4.Problem/Solution – Because of the perspective I took the photo at, the top of the picture looks ever so slightly slanted. I should have made sure to fix this before taking the photo.
5.Strength – The slight shadow created around the model’s smile creates an interesting focus point for the viewer.

Background Light
A6 – Background Light               
1.Strength – Having the pillow in focus with the model slightly out of focus creates a very interesting focus point of the pillow and the message it conveys.
2.Problem/Solution – This picture would be better if there was more light on the model’s face. I could have used an external flash if I had one or directed a lamp to point at her face to illuminate it better.
3.Problem/Solution – This picture would be better if there were more string lights behind the model. I should have hung more lights before taking this picture to create a more ambient mood.
4.Problem/Solution – The pattern on the upper left pillow in the background is distracting. I should have moved or removed it before taking the picture so that only the sunshine pillow and the green checkered pillow would have been visible.
5.Strength – The model’s smile and relaxed expression adds to the happy message stated by the pillow, creating a consistent theme throughout the image.
Assignment 6: Light Control

Assignment 6: Light Control



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