Costa Rica, historically know for being peaceful, was losing this image due to increasing crime rates in its country.
We shock the government’s ego and that of its people. We told them that Costa Rica was no longer a peaceful nation, and if they wanted to break free from the laws of the criminals, they need to take action.
The message was hosted by a provocative campaing.
We told authorities that country was living under the laws of the criminals; we told artists that their creations could be more relevant to costa  Ricans;we told the people: “Look at what we’ ve become”.
Bring Back Peace accomplishment the government’s commitment to the signing of a bill called “the Bring Back Peace Manifest”.
A year after this bill was signed:
The budget for security was increased 80%.
The law to protect victims and witness was approved to combat retaliation.
Criminals sentences, for criminals caught red-handed are now decided immediately.
Sentencing used to take two years.
A new traffic law was approved mandating for the first time that a drunk driver be sent jail after killing someone.
During the first Bring Back Peace march, the victims’ family relatives association was formed. This become
a great source of economic and emotional support for the victims.
And the most important accomplishment; a year ago there was nothing.

Anunciante: Cámara de Comercio de Costa Rica y la Asociación de Familiares Víctimas de Homicicidio.
Agencia: DDB Costa Rica.
Dirección Creativa: Manuel Travisany.
Dirección de Arte: Carlos Redondo, Ariel Arburola.
Creatividad: Manuel Travisany, Manuel Chacón, Esteban Mclean, Carlos Redondo.
Producción: Tomás Jankovich, Sergio Vargas.
Producción audiovisual "Ley del Hampa": Productora 921.
Fotografía "Según Vos": Carlos Charpentier.
Audiovisuales Eventos "Según Vos": Pulse Media.
Ilustraciones afiches "El valor de una Vida": Marte Studio.
Colaboración: Roberto Chávez, Paula Diaz.

Recuperemoslapaz fue una campaña creada por DDB Costa Rica el año 2008 para combatir la inseguridad en las calles de Costa Rica.


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