Growing up in the 80s and 90s meant seeing media explode into the world on mass. Films, for one example, found prolonged life after their cinema runs in the homes of welcoming families. First came VHS, then terrestrial TV showings later - often heralded with as much fanfare a Radio Times cover and repeated trailers between episodes of something either Noel Edmunds or Bruce Forsyth was presenting could muster.

These movies opened my eyes to giant storytelling and incredible visuals. Most were probably consumed in the erroneous pan-and-scan 4:3 ratio, with adverts for Mighty White bread and Trio’s peppered throughout but consumed, very happily, nonetheless.

These prints are my small tribute to the seared-in imagery created by the genii behind these worlds, a thank you for the stories, the characters, and the imagination.

As Seen on TV

As Seen on TV

Movie poster fanart


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