Dj Electro Lizard a.k.a. Three Dee Trance
This is my rendition of a Mattias Adolfsson sketch. Modeled and rendered in Blender. But textured with Substance Painter 2. I really enjoyed and learned a lot with this project. I will put the workflow on my webpage if someone is interested.

Este es mi tributo a Mattias Adolfsson basado en un sketch suyo. Modelado y rendereado en Blender. Texturizado en Substance Painter2. Realmente disfrute y aprendí mucho con este proyecto. Pondré una guía en mi pagina web si alguien esta interesado.
Dj Electro Lizard


Dj Electro Lizard

3D Render of a Mattias Adolfsson Drawing
