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Orion and Scorpio

Character Design
"Orion and Scorpion"
Illustration for iPhone and Android apps, Educational movie, and Astronomical observatory's information book.
The theme of this voice picture book is "Orion and Scorpio" of Greek mythology.
"Orion and Scorpion"
Illustration for iPhone and Android apps.
University of Arkansas (US)
The Night Sky - Orion

"Orion and Scorpion" was used in the educational movie at the University of Arkansas.
Federal University of Espirito Santo (Brasil)
Astronomical observatory's information book
"Orion and Scorpion" was used in the Astronomical observatory's information book at the Federal University of Espirito Santo.
Orion and Scorpio


Orion and Scorpio

Illustration for iPhone and Android apps, Educational movie, and Astronomical observatory's information book. The theme of this voice picture bo Read More
