"Virtual model", 2008 (ORIGINAL SOLD)
“Proof sheets”, oil and pencil on paper, 40 x 40 cm. 2000 / 2008.

Before the advent of digital cameras it was a costly experience to develop photographs! Each of us did a lot of attention before taking a shot. The shops for printing images offered a service at an affordable price so it was possible to develop the miniatures of all the shots, then one was able to  choose only the best and print to the correct size only those ones. They called it proof sheets. This was useful for me when I was photographing a specific subject: a building, a landscape, a person or a drawing. I took many pictures from various angles and changing the settings of aperture and shutter speed, but I knew that I would keep only the best. In these drawings I would apply the same procedure to my memories. I do not want and can not keep the memory of everything I see. It would be nice if I was able to decide what remains and what I can throw away.
"Virtual model of the Exilles Fortress", 2007
"The summer is over". 2000
"Zuma!", 2007.
"Zuma!", 2008.
"Virtual model with orange roofs", 2008.
"Zuma!", 2008.
"Discotheque", 2007
"Pot on the balcony", 2007.
"Naked man", 2007.
"Naked man", 2008.
Proof sheets

Proof sheets

Drawings, oil and pencil on paper. Proof sheets: each drawing representing a same subject from different points of view.
