Our original plan was to go the Teton’s at the beginning of break, but because of the copious amounts of snow, we decided to cut it out, but that changed after San Francisco. After swimming in the Pacific Ocean, we made another split decision- and left for the Tetons. We drove through the night- 18 hours, and arrived in the Tetons around 3 or 4 p.m. As with Yosemite, we were limited to what we could do. We became enthralled with the moose throughout the park, and decided to find some to take pictures of. We were disappointed that they were antlerless, but it was still hype. We went to a gas station to fill up, and after one of us dropped in on a conversation with the people next to us, we found out that their was a Zac Brown Band concert going on in Jackson Hole. The guy that we heard about it from said he could get us six tickets, and it worked out, and before we knew it, we were on our way to Jackson Hole to see them. Zac Brown was sick, but the concert was still so fun. We had a drunk guy next to us the whole time, and it made the time much more amusing. We ended up with a bag of popcorn poured on our head, and the smell of alcohol draping our clothes. It took us an hour to eat, because the car was split on eating local or a chain. We went from McDonald’s, to Wendy’s, to a local place- in which we ate peanuts for ten minutes, and then found out the kitchen was closed- and then back to McDonalds.
    Every plot of land was covered with snow, so our options for camping were limited. We found a parking lot within the park, and set up tents there. At this point we were all dead tired, but because of the constant wind and rain, we set up our tents real quick. Despite the non-stop pounding the whole night, we all slept pretty well. Our alarm the next morning was a park ranger, waking us up to inform us that it was illegal to camp in the lot we were in. As the officer left and we packed up the parking lot, one of the guys went over to the words near by to pee. 5 minutes later, the officer came back and gave him a $150 ticket for harming the wild life. Even though we that ended our time in the Tetons on a sour note, it still made for a funny story. We then began our 32 hour drive back to Lynchburg, Virginia.

Grand Teton NP

Grand Teton NP
