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Ifj. Márkvárt János | Wine label & logo

I F J .  M Á R K V Á R T  J Á N O S  |  W I N E  L A B E L  &  L O G O

I wanted to create a logo which sums up the creed of wine making in one emblem. Beside the typical symbols such as the dunes, vineyards and the press house I have incorporated some personal features of Márkvárt János Jr., like his beloved car, or the famously deep rooting grape, Kadarka. The visual form of the grape vines is inspired from maps.

I have noticed that all of the other wineries in the region of Szekszárd typically use labels with lack of vibrant colors. Since János has a youthful, dynamic and experimental attitude and his wines are colorful in taste I decided to use saturated, well recognizable colors for each of his labels.

T H A N K  Y O U  F O R  W A T C H I N G !
Ifj. Márkvárt János | Wine label & logo


Ifj. Márkvárt János | Wine label & logo

My concept for a simple color coded wine label family made for the Ifj. Márkvárt János design competition
