Space- Group

Team Research Packet
Section 1: Ethnography
Monika's Notes and Thoughts
Both of these spaces want a feeling of welcome. The maker space wants to add to that a modern look and an atmosphere that encourages partners to join the space. The IT lab needs storage and writing space and would like a conference feeling in the room. Both spaces have a plain color pallet and feel like the space exists just for work. We will think of what colors will activate the space.
Jaime's Notes and Thoughts

We had discussed about the way that the Maker Space reception desk was not very intriguing and didn't seem to welcome you enough. There were ideas to change the way the room is set up and then change the walls and how the desk itself is presented to the members. The wood shop room next to the break room is also too open which doesn't separate the spaces enough. One of those walls is all glass for more visible space inside the wood shop but that would require too much cleaning since the machines used in there would leave plenty of saw dust all over the room and it would be highly noticeable on glass so it is better to reduce the visible space and have the wall be mainly brick.
For the Lampros Hall we talked about creating a cubicle that retracts when not needed so that the space in the room becomes "bigger". Another idea that was brought up was that the desks on the South wall need to be changed to create more space for computers, work space, and storage or writing space. That was all included in the desk idea that will be mentioned in later pictures.
Baylee's Notes and Thoughts:
The street view of the space is going to look like the original building, however, with reconstruction on the inside, the space can be recreated to have it's own original feel. Keeping in mind that the exterior of the building must stay the exact same, with very little design elements added, it may be challenging to create an enticing space in which people would want to enter. From this challenge, it can be understood that the inside of the space is vital to creating a good business that will keep occupied. My initial reaction to the maker space was a sense of surprise at it's location and the simpleness to the exterior of the building. The exterior probably had the most emphasis on my reaction because we were unable to enter inside the building due to construction. With these constraints it has made it difficult to fully understand the space and how it can be created to be used with it's full potential. 

Lampros Hall was a very small space with many things that needed to be incorporated. Ultimately it felt as if the users were wanting just a new larger space to be in, rather than updating the current one to fit their needs. Difficulty was provided when trying to understand all of the wants of every user in the space. 

To complete what is necessary for these spaces, our group must focus on simple changes to enhance the space so that it is capable of it's same uses, just have a feel of the users wants. Color and design may provide the best route for accomplishing this.
Section 2: Preparations
Monika's Notes and Thoughts
The lab feels like it is overflowing with stuff it is storing, so adding doors to cabinets would pull that feeling together. The room also has its current storage overlapping itself and making access to the things stored there more difficult. We fix that with cabinets that fit in the corner of the room. The shelves will be adjustable. There is also a lack of steady organization, so we will think about organizational devices using color.
The Maker space has no color included in it and no labeling, so we propose a hive pattern with the colors red, orange, and yellow. Analogous colors will feel more relaxed than complementary colors. Yellow will show the safety equipment like goggles and gloves. Orange will be the color of storage, and red will be used for the signage.
Jaime's Notes
Baylee's notes and thoughts
Lampros hall tech lab had a cluttered and closed off feel when entering. To impose a more open space to a small room, we decided to use simple concept of design and layout. Opening up the space of the room by facing all of the desks towards the wall allows for more of an open feel by allowing for more open upper space. This open space not only allows for the feel of a larger space, but creates a space in which it is easier to communicate throughout. We contemplated having the desks face the wall or towards each other, but decided on the wall because communication would be easier and less distracting without computers or other things placed in front of each person. Rotating chairs as well as a retracting cubicle will allow for easy access to focusing on computers or turning to create a conference type feel. With the clutter of the room, thoughts and ideas of cabinets and storage with covers/doors allowed for a cleaner look without requiring use of the storage to be too organized for the users. A whiteboard space can be created by painting the cupboards with whiteboard paint so more writing space is available. This writing space allows for further communication and better use of small space. Our main focuses were to open up the space to allow for a larger feel, create a space to easily communicate, and allow for more storage.

The Maker Space was such a large area to cover, especially not being able to see the actual space, but only floor plans. However, we decided to focus on simpler ideas such as a simple design for the space because the plans for the space are simple and without color. A red, yellow, and orange hive pattern will suffice as a place recognized as a work/creative space as well as symbolize the location in a historical Ogden area through the concept of beehives. Welcoming was of great importance to the creators of the space, and we thought the plans for the front desk of the maker space should be welcoming and open instead of a stopping point into a restricted area. We would create this feel by having the front desk be easily accessible, by not being in front of the doors to the maker space but more to the side. This would allow for users of the space to feel as if they do not have to check in, but could have an access key card to enter into the space so they feel it is their space. Comfortable seating as well as tables and chairs may enhance the feel of a welcoming space. 
Section 3: Final Proposals
Lampros Hall will have a yellow, green, and blue pallet to give a sense of an "outdoor" feel. This design will be placed around corners and other places in the room to add color and personality. These colors will serve as sorters. The workers are more aware of what needs to be stored and their size, so they are fit to be able to decide what color will work best to sort. Each cabinet door will be painted with white board paint to provide the users with plenty of room to write things out. It is also proposed to add a shelf above the fridge for space to store the users drink appliances and snacks, adding a "home-y" touch to the room. Openness of the room was of great importance and allowing for reorientation of the desks as well as a retractable cubicle wall will allow for this. Storage space was of great importance, but difficult to accomplish in this small space without it feeling too cluttered. To improve this idea, it was decided to place more storage above the back desks of the room, as well as add cabinet doors to all of the storage for a cleaner look with less organizing effort. The overall idea was to create a space in which it felt open, clean, and easy to communicate in. 

The Maker Space will be built with glass, steel, and wood. These materials are a clean modern look in which the makers had originally planned for the space to feel. However, such a simple design could be enhanced and feel more creative by placing red, orange, and yellow hive patterns to the space. Adding these colors will give an energy to the space, making it feel more fun to be in as well as add a touch of personality. A hive is a modern symbol that connotes industry and community which will help enhance the idea of keeping the historical touch of Ogden and idea of making. The colors will help to guide visitors throughout the large space and promote a welcoming, warm feel. A reorganization of the front lobby will also create a welcoming feel. Planning to move the desk away from the door to the maker space will allow the users to feel as if it is their space and they do not have to check in. Also by placing a bench along the wall instead of in the middle of the walkway will allow for easier walking space from the front doors to the maker space entrance. Adding few small tables to the space will allow those that do not have a membership to feel welcome to the lobby space as well. The overall idea was to enhance the Maker space by making it feel welcome, modern, and creative.
A large portion of creating a space is connoting what the space means to the users. By designing two different spaces, it could be easily understood that different users require varying wants for a space. By utilizing team members ideas, solutions to creating a space for the wants of the users was possible through brainstorming, communicating, and documenting. The main goals of this project were to provide the users of the space a place in which they were happy with. Focusing on 3 main ideas for each space allowed this team to further detail the space to incorporate what was wanted without feeling too overwhelmed. Small details can provide a large change in the feel of a space and was used often throughout these spaces above. 
Space- Group

Space- Group


Creative Fields