Tibor Tovt's profileIlya Kroogman's profile



OSeyeris blends hardware and software to provide everyday utility devices which bridges the gap between the sighted and the visually impaired. 

It is an IoT startup founded to help people with severe sight damage. The Digital Panda was approached to define the company brand. 

Branding: Tibor Tovt​​​​​​​

Created by The Digital Panda

Mindmap and sketch sheet 
Inspiration and basic moodboard

Brain plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to adapt to a changing environment. In other words, it is the brain’s ability to compensate the loss of one sense by using other senses better.

When a person becomes blind, he loses the ability to transmit the sensory signals from the retina to the brain. Since the vision processing pathways are still intact, a person can still see subjective images by using data from touch or audition. This phenomenon is called sensory substitution.

The UI for the OSeyeris app was designed to mimic the natural properties of the physical device: The Macaron. The app should also be elegant, as the macaron is a measuring tool, regardless of visual impairment. 

There are a number of sound and color themes available in the application. Because it uses voice read-out, blind can pick their favorite voice and sound theme with a simple swipe. Cycling through the three tabs is triggered by  tap.


Project Made For


OSeyeris blends hardware and software to provide everyday utility devices which bridges the gap between the sighted and the visually impaired. It Read More
