Interaction Design Lab - Politecnico di Milano

Internet of Things (IOT), Arduino, UX, UI
Elevator pitch:
"L'unico sistema che semplifica agli anziani la preparazione di piatti, riducendo molti rischi della cucina, intrattenendoli durante le fasi e lasciando loro il piacere di cucinare piatti".
"The system that simplify the cooking process to elder people, avoiding kitchen tools risksa and enjoying the cooking".

- Delivery service
- Security devices (stove area)
- Different meals each day (RFID monitoring by caregivers, ARDUINO)
- Provide semi-prepared food that need to be cooked
- Dashboard Desktop (caregivers)
- App
- Delivery man (he/she checks the patient health conditions
- Packaging (RFID stickers on it)
- RFID reader (on the countertop)
Desktop dashboard: alarms, food on RFID, food properties (from database), stove ON/OFF, flame intensity.
Mobile App
Plate nutrition facts (Chicken with curry sauce):
Many plates lists: favourites, suggested, recently purchased, menu suggestions
Orange alarm eg "monthly fats quantity exceeded" (total on all plates purchased in the month) (day, week, month calendar buttons)
Single plate stats: nutrition facts and frequency.
Arduino test
Button: ON/OFF stove flame (LED and servomotor)
Potentiometer: flame intensity
RFID: food properties
Arduino circuit
Scenario and user experience