Mission:   Create an app. 
Concept:  The traditional bookcase is disappearing in the living room.
Re-creating this bookcase digitally to connect with the elderly people and therefor tempting this new audience group to install the app. The user can track the books they read. Also the app is a platform where you can talk about the books with other users giving the app a community. 
The first screens are giving the app a peaceful, basic and clear vibe. Also the UI user interface has a intuitive set up; so the user can find everything easily.
The book shelf is where you can keep track of the books you've read and books you're currently reading. You can even track how far through the book you are, by tapping on the proces bar you can see on which page you are. Very handy if you have forgotten your book mark.
You can also easily go back to the menu by tapping on the logo.
The rest of the pages are: must read, reviews, chats and a place to write you own book.
the Must Read list is a place where you can add books you want to buy/read and check off once you have.

Reviews is where you can leave you own review on the books you have read, after you finish a book the titel will appear in the list you can select from when you go to reviews. You can also look up reviews from books you want to start reading. 

Then you have chats. Here is where you can make group chats with friends or people you have met via the app to talk about the book you're reading, this was you can read together.

Last you have Write. Where you can write chapter to a book you are writing yourself. Easy to acces so that you can work on your story whenever you get an idea. You can also use this as a place to write notes for a book you're writing on for example word, since an app on your phone is easier to acces then a computer with the writing program on it.
APP Read

APP Read


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