Henkilön Jose Galvez profiili

Internal Communications Videos

Internal Communications can be tricky. The audience is usually more savvy about whats presented to them, so very clear and complete language should be used. That doesn't mean a video editor shouldn't make them look as nice as possible, though!
This video was produced for DC Water. We covered their Annual Conference and did a sizzle reel to showcase the best parts of it. They needed something quick and snappy, which allowed us to use fun music in the project.
This video served as an internal promotion for the launch of a new department within NCUA. It was sent to their members so that they could know when and what to expect.

Another video for NCUA, this time for the Office of Consumer Protection. Here you can see how much information it was required to be on screen, but with some subtle movement and good spacing out of the information, it ended up being a video that didn't feel as information-charged as it was.
Internal Communications Videos

Internal Communications Videos
