Perfil de John Les

Environmental Science

This project idea capsulizes the idea of fashion retailers working with a company that works with their supply chain in order to collects their scraps of fabrics from production and utilize their scraps in garnishing new textile to create sustainable designed garments. 

This project encouraged the use of sustainable sources that encouraged an idea to help sustain our environment by reducing pollution, and encouraging recycling in that context.

Instructor: Sam Poon

Fabrics were chosen with the same or similar stretch ratio. This would not ruin the integrity of the fit.

Basic patterns are cut on the new garnished textile, and sewn.
Once the end product of the sustainable garment is sewn, product is ready to enter the sales floor with the partnering company. 30% of sales go to the Nature Conservancy Organization to entice eco conscious consumers to purchase.
Our team plans a campaign around the retail company partnered with us that allows consumers to identify the designs with the company through an eco conscious marketing strategy.
Environmental Science
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Environmental Science

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