Joe Victory profili

Interactive Exhibit Component Photos

Pattern Wall -
Vinyl covered foam tetrahedrons are used to create patterns and images in a laser-cut plywood panel.
Growth Pattern-
Yellow plastic lumber stem sections can be stacked alternating with laser-cut HDPE leaves in an exploration of the leaf arrays of plants.
Prototype for an over-sized kaleidoscope. Colored objects are loaded into the clear-sided barrel,which is then spun by hand, and the shifting patterns are observed through the three-sided mirror chamber.
View looking inside the mirror chamber of the kaleidoscope prototype.
Pulley activity-
Different pulley configurations are used to help visitors lift groups of three bowling balls, illustrating the relationship between effort and distance.
Lever activity-
Visitors use foam-wrapped weights, a carpeted platform on a fulcrum, and their own bodies to explore the  mechanical advantage of a lever.
Interactive Exhibit Component Photos
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Interactive Exhibit Component Photos

These are images of exhibit components I developed and designed for the Palo Alto Junior Museum and Zoo in Palo Alto, CA.

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