marc serre's profile

Ships that sailed nowhere

EXHIBITION  Ces bateaux qui n’allaient nulle part / Ships that sailed nowhere
Musée Maritime du Québec

In all weather and under difficult conditions, brave men dedicated their lives to protecting the lives of fellow sailors.  Ships that sailed nowhere presents the unique lifestyle aboard these ships tasked with a very special mission: signaling the invisible presence of danger.

Scenography and Design:  Kuizin 
Project manager, writer, curator and maritime heritage specialist: Alain Franck
Administrators: Sophie Limoges
Advertising manager: Marie-Claude Gamache
Based on extensive research documented in the publication, Les bateaux-phares du Saint-Laurent en aval de Québec, 1830-1963 by authors Jean Cloutier and Jean-Pierre Charest.​​​​​​​
Ships that sailed nowhere


Ships that sailed nowhere
