The Moodboard I used to get a idea of the style I was going for with the character. A dark Sci-fantasy style with gothic elements.
The character sheet with a simple colour scheme and the character sheet I used during the modelling fase.
Age: 110 (due to Biological and mechanical enhancement.)
Occupation: Leader of a zealous group of purifiers.
Birthplace: Sanctum Solaris
Current Home: The abandoned Malevyr Sanctum

Orator Biography
Mysterious, Idealistic, Fanatic and Incorruptible. He has is the leader of a splinter group of the Order Solaris. He believes the Current way the Order is acting is counter to the its original purpose which as he sees it, has not yet been completed. Born on the Sanctum Solaris itself, he grew up with the religious teachings and ideals of the order.
After he was inducted into the order’s Elite knights, was he faced with the Infestation in the Vivicator Quadrant, his first mission on an infested planet went terribly wrong, he only survived because he used the infestations biological weaponry against itself. The mission shifted his view from a loyal knight to a Disillusioned fanatic. The Order quarantined this rot, and did nothing to destroy it.
He became increasingly occupied with the studies of the ancient texts, in which he learned of the true original purpose of the order. To Purify the rot and prepare the galaxy for the coming of the great uniter.
Now only known as Orator does he lead his splinter group the Malevytorii . He recruits people who like him, whom became disillusioned with the order and their disregard of the greater purpose. Operating from a hidden temple base on the barren world of Malevyr, does he send out his squads of fanatic assassins and purifiers, Ridding the galaxy of the rot and preparing it for the coming of the great uniter.
He does not outright attack the order as he does not see it as a opposing force, but has sent operatives to infiltrate and reform it from the inside, as he wants it to return to the original purpose, not destroy it.
Having been part order’s elite has made him a Terrifyingly dangerous enemy to all those who’d appose the purpose. But also trained him in advanced squad tactics and assassination.
“The purpose is abandoned but not forgotten, we are the uniter’s purifying flame his hands and voice. We are the sons of Malevyr and we will never forget.”

Character traits
·        Mysterious, Idealistic, Fanatic. Making him
·        Intensely religious and militaristic upbringing.
·        Scarred by past experiences but channels it to fulfil his purpose.
·        Highly skilled in combat and tactics, combined with his fanaticism makes him incredibly effective at his chosen task.
·        Will make use the power of his enemies against them.
Physical traits
·        Military training, biological and mechanical enhancement, make him an athletically build augmented killing machine.
·        Dresses in Religious attire, which hides the lightweight but highly effective combat armour.
·        Terribly scarred, few know this because of face mask and helmet which he always wears.

Sci-fantasy Religious Assassin. Leader.
3d modelling

After finishing the character sheet, I started modelling.
I Started with the body and followed up with the arm.
after finishing the first parts I added the legs, the head, the neck, the feet, the hands, the cloak and last the small details on  the mask.
Later on I unwrapped the character and added a simple texture. First you can see the lines of the unwrap and added the simple texture.
thank you for watching!

The Orator

The Orator


Creative Fields