P r e p a r e   F o r   W a r
Beginning with the understanding of traditional Tailoring Techniques, and ending with an outfit which addresses a concept of fierce historical empowerment through the feminine siege of garment features and styles of Late 18th Century Military forces. Focusing on shaping the garments to the body and displaying the body, while also annunciating the head and shoulders, and imbuing the wearer with power. The exposure of the red Satin gives power to the wearer to say whatever they want about themselves, and provides point of interest in the trousers suggesting the intense strength of the musculature underneath, and adding flare to the coat emphasising the shape and the bold personality of the individual. This project became about utilising tailoring techniques and gaining confidence in their application, to enable me to push myself further
Tailored Coat with all openings closed to create a slim, confident shape which accentuates the shoulders and head
Back of the Tailored coat which reveals a slit of red Satin as well as highlighting the strong shape of the neck, back, and collar, rising in prominence and strength
Tailored Trousers with all openings unveiled, utilising the Zips for symbolism and decoration as opposed to function, which is replaced with a more traditional 4-button fastening, while complimenting the Brass tones of the Zips
Back of the Tailored Trousers displaying the openings and the accent Jetted Pockets with Satin Pocket Bags
Tailored Outfit together, with all trouser zips opened, while the coat is in the more refined, understated way of wearing
Tailored Outfit all together in full bloom
Back of the Tailored Outfit Together, with the trouser openings appearing at the bottom of the coat, drawing the eye down while the pronounced shape of the back draws it back up
The Tailored Coat creating a flared effect with the open Satin sections, adding volume to the skirt, while the trousers are mored fitted to the body in a more conventionally tapered shape
Prepare For War

Prepare For War

A project which has initiated my knowledge of Tailoring Techniques, and which I then went and applied to my own contemporary design and concept w Read More
