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Hacks to Make Your Commute Stress Free

Daily Hacks to Make Your Commute Stress Free

Commuting to work is a mundane task that most drivers dread. Your hour plus time on the road is your least favorite way to start the day, but is somehow unavoidable. You’re not the only employee that travels quite the distance to and from work on a daily basis. On top of your heavy workload, your commute only adds to your stress level. Follow these simple life hacks to make your commute more fun and stress free!
Eat Breakfast

It’s no cliche that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will only cause harm to your body. By getting into the routine of eating breakfast daily, you will find yourself feeling more energized and generally happier on during your commute. Eating breakfast is a way to jumpstart your metabolism each day, and fill your body with vitamins and nutrients it needs to make it through the day. Your commute will be much more enjoyable with your stomach full and your mind not wandering about what you’ll be having for lunch.
Listen to a Podcast

Successful businesses leaders recently shared one of their hacks– many successful leaders will start their day by listening to a podcast. There are easy ways to listen to podcasts like downloading them from iTunes, listening to them on Spotify or subscribing through various apps. For those seeking daily motivation and learning, Ted Talks, The Upgrade, and The 5am Miracle are great places to start. Other podcast genres vary from discussing your favorite television shows to murder mysteries and more.

Fun fact– you don’t have to make your commute alone! If you know a coworker or friend that live near by, reach out to see if they’re interested in combining commutes. Sometimes people who live near each other and work near each other will join together for the morning commute. Not only does this save time, but it also saves gas and reduces the carbon footprint too!
Create Your Daily To-Do List

Okay, so you won’t be able to have a pen and paper in hand while driving, but there are great apps for hands-free planning. Dragon Dictation is an app that types out what you speak into a recorded microphone. Evernote is another app that has the same kind of function. Using these apps while you drive is a great way to write out your thoughts and plans. 

For example, you can plan out your meals for the week or jot down the tasks you need to complete for the day. Some use this time to journal and simply get their thoughts out. It’s also great if you need to leave yourself a quick note while remaining hands-free so your full attention is on the road.
No matter your choice in what you do with your commute, these easy hacks will make your commute noticeably less stressful and easier on your daily life!
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Hacks to Make Your Commute Stress Free

Hacks to Make Your Commute Stress Free

Driving to work doesn't have to be your least favorite part of your day. In fact, here's how you can make it productive.


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