Профиль Johnathon WatersПрофиль Keivin Hernandez

Summit on the Commodification of the Human Person 2018.

Summit 2018 Poster

As a part of the Summit of Human Dignity here at Brophy, we were tasked with creating a project that demonstrated the commodification of the human person. The point was to not create the cliché barcode tattoo or hands in chains, but rather, a powerful poster with dignity and strength. Through much trial and error, we came upon a final piece that delivers a commanding statement. 

The idea struck me when we realized that this project had to be a portrait and I came across the photo of the girl looking off into the distance. Her impressive gaze begged for new beginnings and hope. The choice of the color yellow was intentional to symbolize life and the importance of it. All life. Additionally, the serif in the font creates horizontal lines that flow well with the yellow bars to create even more order and simplicity. The subtle use of the clouds in the background was more to fill up space and give some kind of texture to it. However, I could also say that it puts in the mind of the viewer that the girl is rising up and above the world to make a change. The purpose of the girl in black and white was to draw attention to her from the beginning as it contrasts so much with the brightness of the yellow. We want the viewers' eyes to begin with her.

Summit on the Commodification of the Human Person 2018.

Summit on the Commodification of the Human Person 2018.



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