Hoverboard 2.0

The Hoverboard 2.0 is designed to emphasize on the subtle details that enhances the use of modern technology creating a premium experience with a minimal design language.
Consisting of a retractable steering column which holds the main console that blends in seamlessly
with the body when its not retracted.
With a compact and tested maneuvering mechanism, consisting of a retractable steering column which holds the main console that blends in seamlessly with the body when its not retracted. When retracted it becomes a full fledged
handle which can be used to manuver the board during its commute.
The handlebar is rested on the main steering console where it's plugged into the socket to activate the seamless screen. 
The charging socket is placed effectively to provide a beneficial user experience.
The power button is intuitively designed with the help of a LED light ring notifying the various modes.
A third wheel placed in the centre, improves the stability and maneuverability of the hoverboard.
A RGB LED strip is integrated along the wheel arch, that helps in notifying and indicating to commuters around it.
The LED lights also act as indicator lights when the hoverboard turns during commuting.
The lights are customizable to an endless number of colors.
The two screens on the hoverboard shows the status of the hoverboard and are seamlessly placed providing a clear view.
Structured effectively to incorporate the technical components that result in a feasible system.
Hoverboard 2.0

Hoverboard 2.0

The Hoverboard 2.0 is designed to emphasize on the subtle details that enhances the use of modern technology creating a premium experience with a 閱讀更多
