Marcus Williamson 님의 프로필

University of Tennessee: Arena Dining

Art Direction: Susanne Morton and Marcus Williamson
Designer: Marcus Williamson
Project Manager: Emily Corum
Printer: University Printing
Client: Arena Dining
Photographer: Erik Campos

Arena Dining recently remodeled their food area and we were tasked with designing graphics for the walls and columns. We wanted to stay somewhat true to the athletic look and feel while also bringing in student life images. After looking at the existing work we saw that there was a defining stripe on the back wall that we wanted to mimic throughout the images. I believe we were able to execute exactly what we set out and hopefully more students, faculty, and staff enjoy the space a little better than they did before. 
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University of Tennessee: Arena Dining

다음을 위한 프로젝트

University of Tennessee: Arena Dining

Worked to make the inside of Arena Dining look and feel like it was a part of the UT campus. Was able to install large vinyls that included athle 자세히 보기
