Festive Folks
Personalised gifts without the hassle.
At the glance: Festive Folks was founded in 2017 with the mission of ridding the world of mediocre gifts. We create easily customizable illustrated goodies that won’t break the bank.
The project took more time than we have expected, but the journey was so interesting as same as was driving us crazy. As you could see, the homepage has many characters, we couldn't remember how many drafts has been sent between Singapore and Vietnam to have the final concept. After we established design function we did trial run, found and fixed mistakes, every single detail was focused to make sure that we could bring the best experience for customer. Before launching, the Festive Folks owner laughed and said to us: "If you were our customer and designed these invitations, I could earn an immense amount of money."
More info: https://domdom.asia/project/web-solution/personalised-gifts-without-hassle
Visit live project: festivefolks.com
Festive Folks

Festive Folks

Personalised gifts without the hassle.
