Henkilön Timothy Li profiili

Community College Connections

Goals: The goal of Community College Connections is to share the individual stories of community college students throughout the nation. Our hope is to increase awareness of the option for students to study at community colleges as well as providing current students a healthy way to express their feelings on campus. 
Content: The majority of the content created will be photographs in combination of quotes taken from the interviews and conversations with each person. As time goes on, we would like to include a way for our readers to interact and communicate with the interviewees. 
Sources of Inspiration: Photojournalism first became an interest to me when I stumbled across Humans of New York nearly 2 years ago on Facebook. He first showed me and the world that everyone you pass on the street have their own unique stories to share. Shortly after, I joined Humans for Berkeley, a student-run club at UC Berkeley, as a photographer. The pictures below are a small sample of the work that I have taken in the club. In the past semester, I became increasingly aware of the burden students at my community college are carrying. Many of them are single parents, work full time, or even all of the above while taking over 15 units. Since talking to others is healthy in reducing anxiety and stress, we aim to provide the outlet for people to talk to us and share their stories. 
Community College Connections

Community College Connections
