Yves Margarita's profile

Octopus Ink Press website

Octopus Ink Press website
American children’s book author/publisher approached me looking for a website that was “professional, white and to the point”. I loved this request because "white" stands for both breathing space and minimal bling bling.

To keep things professional I stuck to a simple palette taken from the company logo and chose my favorite simple-to-read font.
The client wanted to avoid columns as he felt it makes web pages confusing, so I kept grids to a minimum, namely two columns for the books page and three for the photo galleries.
News page and video gallery
Teacher resources, image galleries and online shop
Books section with previews and ordering options
Octopus Ink Press website


Octopus Ink Press website

Simple, professional website for independent children's book publisher Octopus Ink Press.
