This artwork is a chronological imagery of SATAN and how popular perception of Satan changed over the years. It consists of two halves. Satan is known to push humans to the vicious cycle of committing sins either by luring, persuading or instilling fear in mortal humans. 
1.The chronology begins when the artwork is turned upside down where Satan is shown in the form of a serpent luring Eve to eat the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden. This was the biblical Satan which had no physical description. Gradually over the years imagery of Satan was turned to a human-like form with wings as seen in the artwork just beneath Eve. During the time of American revolution, a rebel was given the name Satan who persuaded people to join the revolution. The two-horned goats playing flute and violin are representation of that image with the hands representing the common masses tending to join the revolution.
2. The upper half is the modern day satanic perception. During this period, the benevolence of the Catholic Church was challenged and the church’s sexualisation of the violation against women was taken on which is seen here as a demonic 3 headed pope strangling a woman. The plague mask and the world war 2 soldier are also modern days popular satanic imagery which instilled fear and caused millions of tragic death seen as the faces against a fence. A crow, the eye of a fox and a pentagram is also seen which are part of the popular satanic culture.


perception of Satan


Kreative områder